Why just the Two dollar bill?

#45 continues to hammer the ’dishonest media,” with, what he claims is its biased reporting and he noted presidents from “Jefferson, Jackson and Lincoln,” have had media problems as well.

“Media was very much in its infancy in the nineteenth century’ said SCROTUS, “television especially, was very primitive in the days of Lincoln. People had to watch by candle light. I have heard that Jefferson was slammed by Benjamin Franklin in his ‘Poor Richard’s Almanac’. That’s probably why Jefferson only got the two dollar bill and Franklin got the hundred. Washington only got the ‘One’. Wonder what they said about him. Sad.

We can only wonder what they said about Washington.

By the way, due to the unrelenting attacks on what I call ‘truth’ I will not be attending the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner this year. Please wish everyone well and have a great evening!” Trump tweeted. He added, “If I have to sit through material that I would never hear on Fox, I would have to ban the rest of you from future press briefings.”