An open letter to North Korea

Hello to all the people in North Korea who are not serving in your armed forces; a total of 37 families in the mountains that cannot be reached by mule. Let’s get away from the distraction called ‘kneeling’ for a moment and talk about the biggest threat to people everywhere; the fact that Amazon is […]

Who’s got time to read?

Penguin Random House has earned publishing rights to books by former President Barack Obama and the former first lady Michelle Obama. Multiple publishers vied for the rights and the bidding reached 8 figures. SCROTUS immediately tweeted “I got a better book deal and I didn’t even have to write it! How can he write with […]

Why just the Two dollar bill?

#45 continues to hammer the ’dishonest media,” with, what he claims is its biased reporting and he noted presidents from “Jefferson, Jackson and Lincoln,” have had media problems as well. “Media was very much in its infancy in the nineteenth century’ said SCROTUS, “television especially, was very primitive in the days of Lincoln. People had […]