How do you Interview a Mime?

On the Record and Off the Wall, a interview show with Buzz Fleischman, presents Tina Lenert, a magician, mime, and among other instruments, a harpist. These types of performances rarely, if ever, come together in one performer, but throughout a career rich in the various performance arts, Tina has brought prominence to her acts […]

The Oreo®; metaphor or sugary treat?

The latest in our grocery store aisle series In the beginning there was the Oreo®, a delightful treat for your cookie jones. And they, (Nabisco) saw that it was good. The Oreo® name was derived from the Greek word ‘Oreo’ with ‘Ora’ meaning mouth and ‘eu’ meaning either ‘euphoria’ or ‘euthanasia’ based on how many […]

Is the smart phone our new ‘drug’ of choice?

Question: What is your ‘drug’ of choice? A, Caffeine. B, Alcohol. C Your cell phone. Don’t get antsy, we’ll provide the answer soon. Imagine: You’re sitting at your favorite restaurant, out on the town with your companion, and you’re gazing into each other’s eyes after a glass of fine wine and maybe wondering why you […]

Don’t click that link!

Just because the holiday season is over doesn’t mean scammers have gone away. Beware of deals that are too good to be true. You can’t get a 2 week vacation in Aruba for $99.95. All they want is your personal information. Don’t click on a link. If only phishing emails would include some facts. The […]