White House goes solar, Republicans go postal.

President Obama’s “commitment to lead by example to increase the use of clean energy in the U.S.” met with stiff resistance from republicans who railed against the sun and the wind. “Wind has been shown to be a destructive force of nature” said John Boehner, “It can easily kill if we don’t contain it. Not […]

Rubio: Guns are good for you

Marco Rubio, in his ‘defense of gun ownership’ talk to NRA, tells their audience that firearms are central to achieving the ‘American dream’. The ‘American dream’ he said, works best for white native born American citizens but also for those who have achieved political office regardless of nationality. He stated, “It includes the ability to […]

Koch brothers purchase Canada! eh?

The latest ‘buzz’ in many major newspapers and web based entities such as Politico.com have opined of a merger between the United States and Canada by creating a customs and monetary union or, more radically, by merging outright into a single nation-state or a European Union-style partnership. The Koch brothers, David and Charles, have usurped […]

Putin adds new followers on Linkedin

Linkedin: Congratulate Vladimir Putin on being nominated for the prestigious ‘Despots of the Century’ association. The Russian leader, through his PR agency Ketchum, announced he is ‘pleased’ by his nomination and will ‘stop at nothing’ to insure his place among the top despots of the century. A recent public relations victory by Ketchum helped Putin […]