Ohio judge: Politicians can lie to you

Couldn’t you see this one coming? It isn’t enough that would -be politicians out there with a ‘story to tell’ are within the law, at least in Ohio, if they blatantly LIE? That’s right. You can LIE to the public and still be on the right side of the law. A Federal judge in Cincinnati […]

Quid Pro Quail down on the range

We’ve learned a lot of influential law makers have journeyed to the famous King Ranch in Texas where ‘big sugar’ owns a hunting lodge for ‘Republican Party Fundraisers’. Why can’t they just stay in Florida and leave their animals alone? We’re a tourism state and we have plenty of cool places for lawmakers to go […]

Presidential holidays won’t be the same

Kicking off their yearly vacation and mindful of Republicans talking about the so-called wasteful spending of the current administration, President Obama and his family left Air Force One on the tarmac and took a Greyhound bus to Martha’s Vineyard. The regularly scheduled bus left its D.C. terminal on time and with about a dozen regular […]

Russia soldiers ahead with import ban

Announcing it can exist on potatoes and beets alone, Russia has banned meat, fish, dairy and fruit and vegetable imports to retaliate against Western sanctions for promulgating an on-going civil war in Ukraine. Announcing the ban at a cabinet meeting Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, said the ban would not apply to snack foods like Oreos, […]